Pentax I love you (thoughts about the new Pentax 17 camera)

Okay, let me just begin by saying that I’m honestly exited about this camera. I never would have thought to be exited about a zone focusing half-frame camera, but then again, I never would have believed to see a brand new film camera announced in 2024.

I’m welcoming this camera with open arms. From what I understand, Pentax has other new releases in the pipeline following this model. So far the reception seems to be very positive, which is no doubt promising for the upcoming cameras as well. I really hope much success to Pentax and all the best luck for continuing on this journey. I really can’t wait to see what’s coming next.

Good news is just what film photography needs right now

I think the release of Pentax 17 came at a really good time. When I saw the announcement earlier this week, I though wow, finally some good news! Film photography really needs some cheering up right now. At the moment, more and more film stocks are getting discontinued and prices are getting higher and higher. Lately there has been some light at the end of the tunnel. Some new films emerging etc. but a major manufacturer, a big company such as Pentax coming up with a film camera is just an amazing achievement and could have a big, positive impact on the whole film photography ecosystem.

Of course there are many players doing their best to keep film alive, and I have much respect for all these endeavours, but I think this is something that quite many of us have been waiting for — a big company making a big comeback into film camera manufacturing.

There has been smaller attempts, but to be honest, I’ve lost interest in them many years ago. For example, I remember maybe five years ago encountering much hype around a completely new film SLR called the Reflex, which was a crowdfunded project at Kickstarter. (I could remember this horribly wrong though.) Apparently the project ran out of steam and the Reflex never saw the light of day. A very ambitious attempt for sure, but I think that is a perfect example of just how demanding it is to get a new film camera to the market. And of course there has been some very low quality film cameras coming to market, but not anything like this — a real camera.

I have so much respect for Pentax for making this happen. A company of this magnitude has the background and the required ability to carry out a challenging project like this. Pentax has a special place in my heart personally, because my photographic journey started in 1997 with a Pentax SLR camera.

Congratulations Pentax! What a loveable company. ❤️

Pekka Keskinen

Visual designer and photographer


I miss Kodak Tri-X


YouTube video recommendations Pt.II