Pekka Keskinen photography

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Cinema Noir (my portrait project) on Youtube

Well well, this certainly escalated quickly. Just couple of days ago I made a YouTube video about my street photography project and before I knew it, I was already putting together another video, this time about my portrait project called Cinema Noir.

The thing is that I’m not motivated to post to Instagram anymore. One (out of many) of the reasons being that a new post appears on the feed only for a moment, before it gets lost into the depths of the infinite scroll pit, which is a major critique towards Instagram as a photography platform.

YouTube on the other hand, at least theoretically, provides the possibility of the work popping up time and time again in search results (this could be very wishful thinking). It isn’t necessarily so chronological in that sense, where as an Instagram post exists only in the very present — the content just flashes in the screen before the next one appearing one second later.

But most importantly, once again I found this kind of video editing project really fun and it is always so nice to experiment with different techniques and media options. It was hard to limit the amount of information to a short time frame. This is a subject that I could spend hours of talking and there is so much worth mentioning, but hey, let us call this an introductory format. A surface scrape.