June 2024 shots

Now that I don’t have an Instagram account anymore, I though I’d compile some recent shots into a one big blog post pile.

At the moment I’m not shooting anything particular. I started to work on couple of new projects, but to be honest, they’re not going too well and I’ve been just shooting pretty randon things instead.

Leaving Instagram has allowed me to be less picky about the subjects, now that I’m not shooting social media in mind. I’m not looking for stuff to photograph in order to have new content, but rather just shooting whatever looks interesting.

I’ve been shooting 90% film, even though it is rather challenging these days. These photos are all shot on Rollei Retro 80s, which has been a good replacement for Ilford and Kodak films, that I currently just can’t afford. Rollei Retro 80s is a nice alternative with a reasonable price tag.

I developed these shots in Adox D76. Kodak chemistry seems to be out of stock everywhere, but the Adox counterpart seems to be just as good. This film + developer combo gives really pleasing results.

As for the camera, I’ve been shooting only with my Leica M4 + Voigtländer 35mm f2.5 Color-Skopar and Voigtländer Nokton Classic 50mm f1.5.

Pekka Keskinen

Visual designer and photographer


Pentax I love you (thoughts about the new Pentax 17 camera)


YouTube video recommendations Pt.II