Few words about myself

During my 43 years of existence, I’ve always been into visual arts. I first picked up a camera in my teens, during the late 1990’s even though it took many years until I became rather serious about it.

I have a background in illustration, drawing and painting and I’ve been working as a professional graphic designer for about 20 years. I love everything visual, artistic and creative, but photography is my biggest passion.

I’m not into gimmicks. I love straight photography, whether it’s portraiture or street photography. I want it to be real, not staged or forced. I want my photographs to capture the essence and the very being of the subject, whether it’s a passing moment, emotion or a glimpse of someone’s soul.

In addition to photography, I’m interested in writing and literature. I love to write about art and media theory, photography and visual creativity. I also find non-fiction, essays and short stories very compelling and fun.

I was born and raised in Helsinki, Finland and currently living in the neighbouring town of Sipoo.

Email ➡️ pekka@pekkakeskinen.com
YouTube ➡️ youtube.com/@arrow-from-the-sun
Substack ➡️ arrowfromthesun.substack.com


  • I don’t have favourite photographers as such, but to name few, I really appreciate the works of Sally Mann and Francesca Woodman. David Lynch is also a very big influence for me, even though he is obviously known for many different artistic endeavours.

  • This is a very freguent question. Sometimes I change gear very often, just for the fun of playing around with different equipment. There are some cameras how ever, that I will never let go of. One of those is my Leica M4. For the Leica I have 35mm f2.5 and 50mm f1.5 Voigtländer lenses. I’ve previously owned Leica M6 and M4-2 as well, but M4 is by far my favourite. It is in near mint condition and I have all the original paper works for it too (factory service card with manufacturers signatures, receipt etc. dating back all the way to the 1970’s.)

    I also have Olympus OM-4 Ti and 50mm f1.8. I’ve been a huge fan of the Olympus OM system for ages.

    I have couple of medium format cameras at the moment too: Rolleicord V and Mamiya C22 with 105mm f3.5 portrait lens.

    I have two digital cameras: Fujifilm X-Pro3 and X-E3 + two lenses: 50mm f2 and 23mm f2.

  • I use whatever I can get my hands on. For black and white I like Kodak Tri-X 400, Ilford Pan F+ 50, Rollei Retro 80s to name a few really good ones.

    For colour photography I like Kodak Ektar 100 especially.

    I almost always develop my black and white photos with D76, either Kodak or Adox. For color processing, I’ve been using Cinestill’s Color Simplified kit.

  • We had a photography course at school, during late 1990’s, but for whatever reason, I didn’t sign up for it. Two girls from our class did how ever attend and for the rest of the year they wore old Nikons on their necks everywhere they went. It was such an inspiring sight and I really wanted to be like that as well. I regretted that I didn’t sign up for the class, but shortly after I received a Pentax SLR as a birthday present, that launched my journey into photography.

    I was absolutely clueless during the initial years. My learning curve was non-existent. I met my signicant other in the year 2000. She was shooting with a Canon T70 and introduced me to the Canon FD system. I swapped the Pentax for a T70 of my own and together we also purchased a second hand Canon AE-1 (with a 50mm f1.8 lens) that we shared. (We still by the way have those T70 bodies, even though both of them are now toast.)

    After digital came along, I sort of lost the connection to photography. I dabbled with some of the early digital point and shoot cameras and DSLR’s that I borrowed from school, but the magic simply wasn’t there anymore.

    Following a hiatus, I returned to film photography in around 2015 or 2016 after finding the Canon AE-1 from a storage box. I immediately found the magic connection again and started shooting like crazy. The confusion from my early days was now gone and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to shoot only black and white film on a 50mm lens. I had a clear vision of the style that I wanted. I basically had to wait ten years before realising what I wanted to do with the camera. After that i’ve been shooting practically every day and being obsessed about the craft.

  • I love collaborating. Some of the most meaningful and best work I’ve ever done, are results of working together with someone.

  • At the moment

    • 8 ½

    • Mulholland Drive

    • The Lighthouse

  • Many! Occasionally I draw and paint, but some of my dearest hobbies are reading, cooking, kayaking, hiking and other outdoor activities.

  • At the moment:

    • Infinite Jest (David Foster Wallace)

    • Nausea (Jean-Paul Sartre)

    • Galapagos (Kurt Vonnegut)

  • I don’t listen much mainstream music, but practically everything else. I appreciate music that has purity and expressive power.

    My all time favourite genres are black metal, folk metal, classical music and jazz. I also enjoy exprimental music and avant gardish stuff, ambient, Italian cinema soundtracks, dungeon synth and sea shanties if that can be catecorized as a genre.

  • Not exactly. Photography has always been for my personal pleasure. It has been useful in my work as a graphic designer. I have done photography in my work but I haven’t ever worked as a photographer. I guess you could say that I’m a professional hobbyist.