Laura Palmer and borderline personality disorder
Laura Palmer as seen in Twin Peaks
And now for something completely different
I’m now writing this about a month since David Lynch passed away. I’ve been remembering him and paying my respects by watching his films during the past weeks. Even though I typically write about photography and maybe sometimes touching upon some other topics, I’d like to now write about something completely different — something Twin Peaks related.
I was only nine years old when Twin Peaks came out in 1990. Of course, it was way too scary and complicated for me at the time. During my late teens however, I saw a re-run of it and became a huge fan, even though I obviously still didn’t quite get it then either. It is one of those TV-shows that has fascinated me ever since and I’ve returned to it time and time again, each time with a different understanding of it. It seems to open up layer by layer upon every viewing.
Diagnosing Laura Palmer
It only recently occurred to me that Laura Palmer had borderline personality disorder. Or at least, that is my current interpretation, so take this with that particular grain of salt. If you are at all familiar with David Lynch, you know that his way of telling stories is very open-ended and up to personal interpretations. Twin Peaks resists a singular interpretation and Lynch’s work generally thrives on ambiguity. They often operate on a dream-logic level as well, meaning psychological readings can coexist with spiritual or metaphysical ones. That being said, I’d like to take this opportunity and share this theory because I haven’t thus far stumbled upon much similar discussions.
While Laura Palmer is not explicitly diagnosed with BPD in the series, her behavior aligns with the symptoms. Lynch really wasn’t known for explaining his films and as far as I know, didn’t provide further insights about Laura’s mental condition as such. I persistently tried to research the topic, but as you might expect, there is no confirmed or official mention of her diagnosis made available.
What we can tell from the original series, and the prequel movie Fire Walk With Me, she received psychiatric treatment from Dr. Jacoby and was known to exhibit reckless sexual encounters, substance abuse, intense and unstable relationships, emotional volatility, and manipulative behaviors—traits often associated with BPD. These behaviors can easily be seen as coping mechanisms for her underlying trauma. She was also prone to self-harm and according to the show, in a dialogue between Donna and James, allowed herself to be killed instead of taking her own life. James says: "The last time I saw her, she was really sad. She said James, I'm gone... like she knew she was going to die. Like she allowed it to happen."
During my research, I found a mention that it's likely that she could have been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple identity disorder. Even though compelling, I’m still intrigued to put my bet on the BPD. A complex PTSD was also suggested.
Spoiler alert
At this point, it is worth mentioning that there are going to be spoilers ahed, even though this is a 30+ years old show and the secret has been out for some time now. How ever though, if you have not seen Twin Peaks and are planning to, proceed with caution.
The big climax of Twin Peaks was that Laura Palmer was murdered by his father Leland, who was possessed by an evil spirit called BOB. At least this is the simplified version of the case. Looking at it like this, it almost feels like an insanity defense, seemingly taking the responsibility out of Leland’s shoulders. In my minds eyes though, I see Leland as the actual murderer, and in his case, BOB being more like a hidden character trait and how it manifested itself in him.
It should be pointed out that David Lynch uses some characters as personifications. (or abstractions, as I seem to recall him describing them in interviews) While BOB can be seen as a super natural character in a human form, he is more like an archetype of evil, a personification of the abuser who is a repressed but integral part of Leland’s mind. Having such horrendously poignant parallels with real life, elevates BOB from a silly TV-monster to something genuinely unpleasant — a portrayal of the twisted and unfortunate side of the male psyche. In fact, I genuinely believe, that David Lynch has single handedly created the most disgusting male characters ever and it is a recurring pattern in his films.
A similar theme can be seen in other father figures in Twin Peaks as well.
Audrey Horne’s father Benjamin, even though not possessed by BOB, displays such unacceptable traits too. At one point he is making a pass over disguised Audrey, unbeknownst to him that the girl is his own daughter. A horrific scene, being harassed by your own father. Benjamin is more conscious of his actions, while Leland is unconsciously controlled by BOB, which can be seen as his shadow self.
It is widely accepted among Twin Peaks fans that Leland Palmer had been abusing Laura long before her murder. This is heavily implied throughout both the original series and Fire Walk With Me movie.
Courtenay Stallings, author of "Laura's Ghost: Women Speak About Twin Peaks," discusses how Laura Palmer's experiences reflect complex trauma resulting from childhood sexual abuse. This trauma can manifest in symptoms similar to those of BPD, such as emotional dysregulation and identity disturbances. Laura's unstable sense of self, feelings of emptiness, and dissociative episodes as indicative of BPD.
In the book Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (written by David Lynch’s daughter Jennifer Lynch), there are numerous entries that indicate Laura had been abused by BOB from a very young age, well before her murder. Over time, she begins to suspect that BOB may actually be her father.
In Fire Walk With Me, there’s a moment when Leland confronts her and asks, “Do you know who I am?” Laura’s horrified reaction suggests she has come to realize that BOB and her father are one and the same. It strongly implies that the abuse had been going on for years.
Even though the causes of BPD are unclear and complex, it is often linked with early childhood trauma. Psychosocial factors, particularly adverse childhood experiences, are commonly proposed, which aligns with Laura’s backstory. While Sarah, Laura’s mother, appears unaware of the abuse, there are hints that she might have suspected something. Her frequent dissociative states and substance use could be coping mechanisms, suggesting she may have turned a blind eye to the reality of what was happening in her home.
Laura’s self-destructive behavior, including drug use, risky sexual encounters, and emotional instability, are all indicative of someone who has been enduring long-term abuse, not just a single traumatic event. Her dissociation and compartmentalization of her experiences, creating a division between BOB and Leland in her mind, further suggest prolonged trauma.
Leland, in his dying moments, recalls attacking Laura and says, "I never knew… He (BOB) made me do these things... He opened me, and I invited him in." While this can be interpreted in different ways, it suggests that his abuse of Laura had been ongoing and possibly something he had repressed or dissociated from.