Pekka Keskinen photography

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Fujifilm recipe: Double-X 400 vintage monochrome

In addition to my high contrast Grainstorm 3200 monochrome recipe, I wanted to create a similar recipe, but more suitable for high contrast lighting situations. Grainstorm resembles Kodak Tri-x or Ilford HP5 pushed couple of stops, but this recipe has a look of a pulled black and white film and features more forgiving tone curve with much less contrast.

This is a very good simulation for bright and sunny days when the light is harsh and in-camera contrast control is needed. I love the look that Grainstorm 3200 gives, but it was designed for very dim lighting conditions and low-contrast scenes.

I love the idea of a Fujifilm film simulation recipe that would look similar to a vintage motion picture film, such as Kodak Double-X. So far these settings has provided me with nice results even though this isn’t meant to be an exact replica, but rather an Double-X inspired attempt at creating something a bit similar.

Double-X 400 vintage monochrome settings:

ISO: 400—800
Film simulation: Acros + red filter
Monochromatic color: WC 0 MG 0
Grain effect: strong, large
Color chrome effect: strong
Color chrome FX blue: strong
White balance: auto
Dynamic rance: auto
Dynamic range priority: off
Tone curve: H +2, S +2
Sharpness: -4
Noise reduction: -4
Clarity: 0
Exposure compensation: consider over exposing slightly, one to half a stop, or so

Sample photos

Also check out:

Grainbow 400 film simulation
Grainstorm 3200 B/W film simulation
Vibe Blaster 800 film simulation