Vibe Blaster 800 — Fuji film simulation recipe

These are the vibes you’ve been looking for! This is a Fujifilm film simulation recipe that I used the entire summer almost exclusively. I wanted a nostalgic look-and-feel with plenty of grain, smooth tones and of course them vibes. The washed out shadows, muted tones and slightly wonky color balance gives this recipe a casual snapshotty film look straight out of camera. I found Vibe Blaster 800 to work nicely while traveling, road tripping and enjoying nice and bright summer days. I even tried it on couple of occasions for portraits and I was extremely happy with the results. If I didn’t know any better, I would easily mistake these as actual film. The sample images are all done in-camera without any editing (unless otherwise mentioned).

Camera used: Fujifilm X-pro3 + Fujinon 50mm f2

Vibe Blaster 800 recipe settings

ISO: 400—800 (not that critical for the outcome)
Film simulation: Classic Neg
Grain effect: strong, large
Color chrome effect: strong
Color chrome FX blue: strong
White balance: auto R: -1, B: -2
Dynamic rance: 400
Dynamic range priority: off
Tone curve: H -2, S +2
Color: -2
Sharpness: -2
Noise reduction: -4
Clarity: 0

(Dust and scratches added in edit)

(Dust and scratches added in edit)

(Retouched in Photoshop)

(Retouched in Photoshop)

Pekka Keskinen

Visual designer and photographer


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